15 research outputs found

    Multi-objective traffic signal optimization using 3D mesoscopic simulation and evolutionary algorithms

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. Modern cities are currently facing rapid urban growth and struggle to maintain a sustainable development. In this context, “eco-neighbourhoods” became the perfect place for testing new innovative ideas that would reduce congestion and optimize traffic flow. The main motivation of this work is a true and stated need of the Department of Transport in Nancy, France, to improve the traffic flow in a central eco-neighbourhood currently under reconfiguration, reduce travel times and test various traffic control scenarios for a better interconnectivity between urban intersections. Therefore, this paper addresses a multi-objective simulation-based signal control problem through the case study of “Nancy Grand Cœur” (NGC) eco-neighbourhood with the purpose of finding the optimal traffic control plan to reduce congestion during peak hours. Firstly, we build the 3D mesoscopic simulation model of the most circulated intersection (C129) based on specifications from the traffic management centre. The simulation outputs from various scenario testing will be then used as inputs for the optimisation and comparative analysis modules. Secondly, we propose a multi-objective optimization method by using evolutionary algorithms and find the optimal traffic control plan to be used in C129 during morning and evening rush hours. Lastly, we take a more global view and extend the 3D simulation model to three other interconnected intersections, in order to analyse the impact of local optimisation on the surrounding traffic conditions in the eco-neighbourhood. The current proposed simulation-optimisation framework aims at supporting the traffic engineering decision-making process and the smart city dynamic by favouring a sustainable mobility

    Evaluating air quality by combining stationary, smart mobile pollution monitoring and data-driven modelling

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Air pollution impact assessment is a major objective for various community councils in large cities, which have lately redirected their attention towards using more low-cost sensing units supported by citizen involvement. However, there is a lack of research studies investigating real-time mobile air-quality measurement through smart sensing units and even more of any data-driven modelling techniques that could be deployed to predict air quality accurately from the generated data-sets. This paper addresses these challenges by: a) proposing a comparative and detailed investigation of various air quality monitoring devices (both fixed and mobile), tested through field measurements and citizen sensing in an eco-neighbourhood from Lorraine, France, and by b) proposing a machine learning approach to evaluate the accuracy and potential of such mobile generated data for air quality prediction. The air quality evaluation consists of three experimenting protocols: a) first, we installed fixed passive tubes for monitoring the nitrogen dioxide concentrations placed in strategic locations highly affected by traffic circulation in an eco-neighbourhood, b) second, we monitored the nitrogen dioxide registered by citizens using smart and mobile pollution units carried at breathing level; results revealed that mobile-captured concentrations were 3–5 times higher than the ones registered by passive-static monitoring tubes and c) third, we compared different mobile pollution stations working simultaneously, which revealed noticeable differences in terms of result variability and sensitivity. Finally, we applied a machine learning modelling by using decision trees and neural networks on the mobile-generated data and show that humidity and noise are the most important factors influencing the prediction of nitrogen dioxide concentrations of mobile stations

    Integrating data-driven and simulation models to predict traffic state affected by road incidents

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    Predicting the traffic conditions in urban networks is a priority for traffic management centres. This becomes very challenging, especially when the network is affected by traffic incidents that vary in both time and space. Although data-driven modelling can be considered an ideal tool for short-term traffic predictions, its performance is severely degraded if little historical traffic information is available under incident conditions. This paper addresses this challenge by integrating data-driven and traffic simulation modelling approaches. Instead of directly predicting the traffic states using limited historical data, we employ a traffic simulation reinforced by data-driven models. The traffic simulation uses newly reported incident information and the estimated origin-destination (OD) demand flows to capture the complex interaction between drivers and road network, and predicts traffic states under extreme conditions. We showcase the capability of the proposed data-driven enforced traffic simulation platform for incident impact analysis in a real-life sub-network in Sydney, Australia

    Predicting Air Quality by Integrating a Mesoscopic Traffic Simulation Model and Simplified Air Pollutant Estimation Models

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Continuous growth in traffic demand has led to a decrease in the air quality in various urban areas. More than ever, local authorities for environmental protection and urban planners are interested in performing detailed investigations using traffic and air pollution simulations for testing various urban scenarios and raising citizen awareness where necessary. This article is focused on the traffic and air pollution in the eco-neighbourhood “Nancy Grand Cœur”, located in a medium-size city from north-eastern France. The main objective of this work is to build an integrated simulation model which would predict and visualize various environmental changes inside the neighbourhood such as: air pollution, traffic flow or meteorological information. Firstly, we conduct a data profiling analysis on the received data sets together with a discussion on the daily and hourly traffic patterns, average nitrogen dioxide concentrations and the regional background concentrations recorded in the eco-neighbourhood for the study period. Secondly, we build the 3D mesoscopic traffic simulation model using real data sets from the local traffic management centre. Thirdly, by using reliable data sets from the local air-quality management centre, we build a regression model to predict the evolution of nitrogen dioxide concentrations, as a function of the simulated traffic flow and meteorological data. We then validate the estimated results through comparisons with real data sets, with the purpose of supporting the traffic engineering decision-making and the smart city sustainability. The last section of the paper is reserved for further regression studies applied to other air pollutants monitored in the eco-neighbourhood, such as sulphur dioxide and particulate matter and a detailed discussion on benefit and challenges to conduct such studies

    Event-triggered control for improving the positioning accuracy of connected vehicles equipped with DSRC

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    Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication and Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) systems have gained an increasing popularity in building vehicular applications for improving road safety, but the high level of positioning accuracy at the centimetre level is still far from being achieved. Various outages in transmitting the positioning information between neighbouring vehicles and errors in broadcasting their current locations can lead to a fail in generating accurate collision alerts that would affect the road safety. The goal of this paper is to propose a modelling framework for applying an event-triggered control when the location transmitted by connected vehicles equipped with DSRC is lost due to unforeseen events. Firstly, we model the evolution of the DSRC transmitted positioning as a multi-state stochastic switching system by taking into consideration the distance from the transmitted location to the road center. A control interval is defined for the evolution of the positioning signal by using the road width to define the boundaries. Secondly, we propose an analytic method for determining the exit probabilities from the control interval, with the scope of anticipating any position anomalies and help applying the event triggered control in advance rather than when the control boundaries have been already reached. Thirdly, we apply a cooperative location estimation method for improving the broadcast position information by using the accumulating trajectory segments from the moment of the anomaly alert